Friday, May 30, 2008

Time to Move on to the Next Ride!

Slow this life down!! I feel like we are on a merry go round that is going faster and faster every day! Hopefully next week will slow down and we can jump over on the lazy river and relax for a while!

Here's a quick run down of our week!

First of all, I wanted to share a picture of Harry and his "Church Girlfriends"! Brooke and Lindsay helped me with Harry so much last Sunday!! They toted him all aound and fed him, they loved it, he loved it and I loved it!! Thank you to both of you for all of your help!!

Sunday afternoon we went to Katelyn's piano recital in Duncan. She did VERY good and we were proud to know her! That's Katelyn's little brother Luke standing on the right.

Sunday night we went to the Greenville Drive game with BreakFree Kids! I love going to the baseball games! It's so much fun watching the game, eating ballpark food and singing "Sweet Caroline". I think we sing that song because we live in South Carolina since I don't remember it saying anything about baseball. Anyway, we had a great time and had great seats, even though we were behind the net and so the Boys didn't get to catch any fly balls. Greenville lost :o( but there were great fireworks at the end anyway! Here's a picture of Garett wearing his ice cream bowl "hat".

Monday was Memorial Day. We went swimming with our friends Brady and Hannah. Here is everyone drying off. The Boys love the water and I love that they use lots of energy and wear themselves out swimming and playing!

That night we had dinner with my brother, Jeff and his wife, Debbie, who are visiting from DC. They will be moving overseas for a couple of years, so we are happy to be able to spend some time with them. Debbie's sister and brother in law, Lisa and Rick, and their Babies came too so I got my Baby fix holding Sam. Here's Harry having fun with Taggie and Garett with Sam. Kristy, do you recognize Sam's outfit!!?

Reece's field day was Tuesday and Garett's was Wednesday so the Babies and I (and Jeff and Debbie and my Dad and Lisa and her Babies) were at the school two mornings in a row for those. The Boys both did great in all of the activities. Here is Reece with his friend Duston during the fun and here is Garett doing the Super Ball Hop!! Great photography, Uncle Jeff!! We had a great time and the Boys definitely slept well the night of their Field Day!

Wednesday night I got a Girls Night Out for a couple of hours and ate dinner with my PTA Girls. We missed you, Kandace!! It was nice to be able to talk without a million (okay-we really only have 13 younger children among us) little voices pulling us this way and that. It's a great group and I'm so glad we connected this year. Here's Nadine, me, Rita, Paula and Amy. It's funny what you talk about when you don't have children to do the talking for you...I think we touched on about 100 different topics in 2 hours!

Thursday was our first of two half days and lunch wasn't served so when the dismissed at 11:20 a group of us went to Lake Cooley for a picnic, playing and to feed the geese. Here is everyone feeding the geese and then they gathered for a picture on the rock. What a great group of friends the Boys (and I) have made this year through school.

So today is the last day of school. I dropped the Boys off on the Cafeteria side of the school for the last time. Next year we will have a new school that's much closer to home. Thank goodness all of our friends will be there too. With it being the last day, I took the Boys for biscuits before school. As I pulled into the drive through and paid for my order and then asked how much the order was for the car behind me, the woman at the window broke into a huge smile. She told me that when I paid for the car behind me last week the string of "Paying It Forward" went on for 5 cars!! How awesome is that!! I was so excited I had to clap! I paid for the person behind me and then they paid for the person behind them and so on and so forth till before she knew it 5 orders were paid for like that!! That makes me happy! Happy that other people want to make other people to be happy! Just remember that you don't always have to buy someone something...a kind word or smile can do just as much! Pay a compliment! That's free and people love to get compliments! And if you are the receiver of the compliment...take it!! Don't dismss it or downplay it! Take it, smile and pass one along yourself! I'm trying to make the world a happier place, one person at a time....if I could just get off this merry go round!!!!

That's all for now, there's laundry to do and Babies to read to, so until next time,

I'm Fondly Yours,


Queen of the Brown Clan

1 comment:

The Brighter Side of Things said...

Such a great story. That is awesome. I was interupted when reading that is why I missed the last part. You do such a wonderful job of spreading Joy and Happiness to this world.