Friday, May 16, 2008

Just Another Day

Hey! Jump right in to the Brown Lake of Life! Here we go! Today it's all about bullet points so I stay on task!

-I PASSED STATISTICS!!! I really don't think anyone thought I could do it besides "my friend" Dora and my Mom (including myself-I was very pleasantly surprised!), but I did it!! Thank you SO much to Jaime and Dora...I really could not have done it with out you, or everyone's prayers! I know my high school algebra teacher, Mrs. Byrd, would be the most shocked of everyone!! :o) Anatomy and Physiology was good too...I wasn't as worried about that one! I'm taking the summer off to be the Camp Counselor at Camp Keeping-4-Boys-Occupied-for-21/2-Months, but will be back into the thick of things in August. Whew! I need a break!

-We have pulled out all of the old home video tapes and are having a ball! Last night I found one that I taped before we had children. We had 3 cats and 2 fish tanks (BIG fish tanks) and I gave a tour of our 2 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath condo that lasted 15 minutes-i showed every detail-including thee laundry room and the cat boxes. So THAT'S what I did before kids! It was hilarious to watch! I took it in 1997 and Rhett and I had only been married 2 years. The Boys love watching the tapes and especially got a laugh when I talked about not wanting Baby Garett to walk because he was probably my last baby!! HA HA HA! That was 2 Babies ago! I need to run the camera's so much fun to look back on the Boys' lives.

-Logan is a freak! Not long ago I told him that I loved him. The conversation went like this:

ME: Logan, I love you.

LOGAN: Me "yove" YOU!

ME: I love you MORE!

LOGAN: ME "yove" you SO much more...with a little CRAZY on top!

How can you not smile at this curly haired ball of energy ?!? This curly haired ball of energy who has decided that NOW it's okay to be potty trained!! YEA!! One Baby in diapers is GREAT! No rush for him to get out of them! Here is Logi with my new "nephew" Sam! He couldn't wait to hold him! He's the son of my brother's wife's sister and brother in law, Lisa and Rick. Technically they aren't related to us, but we call them Aunt Lisa and Uncle Rick and so their daughter Halleigh is my niece and Sam is my nephew! I love new babies and when the Boys and I stayed with Lisa and the children last weekend I jumped out of be to do the 3:30am feeding. I miss that time with my Babies. I so wish I was preggers again!

School is winding down-9 days left not counting today and 2 of those days are half days! I'm excited to get to sleep in and not have to get up and take the Boys to school (sorry Rhett!), but we'll miss our teachers! Bug's teacher, Mrs. Deal, is moving to the new school with us next year, but Reece's teacher, Miss Ford will still be at Wellford. We've become friends and I wish I could be her Room Mom again next year!! I'm glad Mrs. Deal is moving with us, because number one, she and her husband are going to have a BABY in January (yea!) and number two, I have two more children coming behind Bug that could have her for kindergarten!! We are looking forward to lots of field trips and fun times this summer...let us know if you want to plan a play date!!

One more thing, I think just one...Last night when we pulled into the driveway, Rhett saw a frog...the first frog of the spring! So the Boys all scrambled out and Bug scooped it up! Here he is. Jaime, remember how we used to catch the frogs at your parent's farm and throw them up in the air and catch them?! Those were fun times!
The icecream truck came through the neighborhood this week. Summer is coming! Now we just have to wait for the fireflys!! When I get old I want to drive the icecream truck. That is going on my list of goals.
Okay, well, I will go for now. Today is my birthday and so now that my CHOOSE JOY coffee mug is empty it's time to get dressed and climb in my van that my DH (Dear Husband) so thoughtfully decorated for me and go to lunch and playdate with the Babies. We're off to see Joy and Taylor and we're so glad that the sun is coming out!!
Remember to be nicer than you have to and try this this week-Pay it Forward. If you are in line at Hardee's or Bojangles or wherever, ask how much the order for the person behind you costs. Then, if you can, pay for it! It's the BEST day brightener EVER!! Then you just leave! Let them enjoy their sweet tea or biscuit and hopefully they will be nicer to someone that day than they have to be! Try it! It's fun!
Until next time, I'm Fondly Yours,
Queen of the Brown Clan
P.S. I sort of failed on the bullet points, I know. Oh well!

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